Important Announcements
- Welcome Class!
- Contact your instructor or administrator if you are interested in Community Service Opportunities in 2019. This is a great way to learn, help others and give back to your community. Credit is given toward your externship requirements. Slots are limited. (Posted 11/8/2018)
- Remember, use your badge at the north entrance (facing SR60. It is the left side of the bldg. when facing the front).
- Reminder, you can make tuition payments, debit/credit, by going to under the Payments Tab or by cash from pre-coordinating with Academic Administrator. Call 813.653.6140 with any questions.
- Graduating Class Reminders:
- If you are interested in performing a community service activity for externship credit please contact Ms. Hamel, 813.653.6140
Other Information
Preparations are in progress for our next entry-level dental assisting class. For the most immediate information and updates continue to check the updates or call the school administrator at 813-653-6135. Did you know SCA will be offering Pharmacy Technician and other allied health courses? Appropriate updates and announcements will be posted accordingly.
Academy News
Suncoast Career Academy (SCA) is proud to announce we are a listed school with ADAA--School #3134. Another milestone reached! Congratulations!